Active Studies

The Premier Research Department supports cutting-edge research in Pulmonary Related Diseases and Medicine, offering numorious studies for Asthma, COPD, IPF, PAH and many more at dedicated research centers. Several research groups report directly to the Principle Investigator (PI), Dr. Sanober Kable, most research studies are based in individual clinical settings, where they engage in interdisciplinary research that complements the academic goals of their departments.
efficacy of Dupilumab Added to Medium Dose Inhaled Corticosteroid/Long-acting Beta-agonist (ICS/LABA) in Comparison to ICS Dose Escalation to High Dose ICS/LABA in Adolescent and Adult Patients With Uncontrolled Asthma
- Gender: All
- Age: 18 Years and over
- Phase: 4
- Diagnosis of asthma for ≥12 months, based on the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) 2023 guidance document
- Existing treatment with medium dose ICS/LABA (>250 to 500 μg/day of fluticasone propionate DPI or equivalent, per GINA 2023 guidance document) for at least 3 months with a stable dose ≥1 month prior to visit 1
- Participants requiring a maximum of 3 controllers for their asthma will be considered eligible for this study
- Pre-bronchodilator FEV1, as defined in the protocol
- Reversibility of at least 12% and 200 mL in FEV1 after the administration of 200 to 400 μg albuterol/salbutamol at screening OR a documented history of ≥20% reduction in the FEV1, as defined in the protocol
- Demonstrated adherence to medium dose ICS/LABA on at least 80% of days during the run-in period
- ACQ-5 score ≥1.5 at screening (visit 1)
- History of ≥1 severe exacerbation(s) in the previous year before visit 1, but not in the 30 days immediately preceding visit 1
- Biomarker criteria: Baseline blood eosinophil count ≥300 cells/μL at visit 1 (~90% of population), as defined in the protocol
- Diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or other lung diseases which may impair lung function and interfere with treatment assessments
- Clinical evidence of lung disease(s) other than asthma or imaging (Chest X-ray, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]) with significant findings within 12 months of visit 1 and up to and including the baseline visit (visit 3)
- A participant who experiences a severe asthma exacerbation at any time from 1 month prior to the screening visit (visit 1) up to and including the baseline visit (visit 3), as defined in the protocol
- Weight is less than 30 kilograms
- Current smoker or cessation of smoking within 6 months prior to visit 1 or previous smoker with a smoking history ≥10 pack-years
- Severe concomitant illness(es) that, in the Investigator's judgment, would adversely affect the participant's participation in the study, as defined in the protocol
- Participants cannot be on systemic corticosteroids at any time from 1 month prior to the screening visit (visit 1) through the duration of the run-in period
- Gender: All
- Age: 18 Years and over
- Phase: Observational
- Males and females at least 18 years of age who give voluntary written informed consent to participate in the study.
- Patients with a diagnosis of ILD based on computed tomography imaging, including:
- Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
- Connective tissue disease-associated ILD with FVC <70%
- Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- Scleroderma-related ILD
- Autoimmune ILD
- Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia
- Occupational lung disease
- Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema
- Patients must meet a total of 2 or more criteria from at least 2 distinct categories below (ie, Category 1, Category 2, Category 3) based on the Investigator’s clinical judgment, within 180 days of Screening.
- DLCO <40%
- DLCO decline of ≥15% based on 2 most recent assessments
- Worsening DLCO (decline >10%) with stable FVC (decline <5%) (ie, worsening FVC/DLCO ratio) based on 2 most recent assessments
- Right ventricle enlargement: RV:LV ratio >1
- Pulmonary artery enlargement
- Pulmonary artery/aorta ratio >1.0
- Ventricular septal flattening
- Enlarged pulmonary arteries in the lung periphery
- Symptoms disproportionate to ILD severity or changes in symptoms not explained by ILD progression
- Desaturation on 6MWT disproportionate to ILD severity in the opinion of the Investigator
- 6-Minute Walk Distance decline of ≥15% based on 2 more recent assessments
- Worsening desaturation requiring more supplemental oxygen
- Recent worsening desaturation
- BNP >200 pg/mL or NT-proBNP >395 pg/mL
- Physical exam findings (at least 1 of the following): syncope, jugular venous distension, ankle swelling/peripheral edema, ascites, loud P2 or S2 heart sound, or hepatomegaly
- RV systolic pressure >35 mmHg
- Any RV dilation or enlargement
- Other RV abnormalities in the clinician’s judgment
- Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion <2 cm
Category 1: Clinical tests
a. PFTs with at least 1 of the following results:
b. Historical HRCT with any of the following findings:
Category 2: Symptoms, oxygenation, exercise capacity, and BNP/NT-proBNP
Category 3: Echocardiography
Patients are excluded from the study if any of the following criteria apply:
- Prior RHC with mPAP >20 mmHg
- Currently on a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved pulmonary arterial hypertension medication
- Diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Uncontrolled or untreated sleep apnea
- Pulmonary embolism within the past 3 months
- History of ischemic heart disease or left-sided myocardial dysfunction within 12 months of Screening, defined as LV ejection fraction <40% or pulmonary capillary wedge pressure >15 mmHg
- Any other clinical features that, in the opinion of the Investigator, might adversely affect interpretation of study data or study safety, or make the patient unsuitable for RHC
- Gender: All
- Age: 18 Years and over
- Phase: Interventional
- Patient 40 Years or Older at the time of signed informed consent
- IPF diagnosis:
- Satisfying the 2022 American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society/Japanese Respiratory Society/ Latin American Thoracic Association(ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT) diagnostic criteria (Raghu 2022) confirmed by the investigator
- UIP or probable UIP based on chest HRCT obtained within 12 months of Day 0, or historical lung biopsy consistent with UIP
- If receiving antifibrotic agents pirfenidone or nintedanib, patients must be receiving a stable dose for > 2 months prior to Day 0 and planning to stay on stable background therapy; if not receiving pirfenidone or nintedanib, patients must be naive to both drugs or not have received either for at least four weeks prior to Day 0 and remain off background therapy with no intention to start or re-start. (combination of nintedanib and pirfenidone not allowed)
- If receiving monotherapy for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension (eg, phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors, endothelin receptor antagonists, or inhaled or oral prostanoid therapy), patients must be receiving a stable dose for > 4 weeks prior to Day 0 and planning to remain on a stable dose throughout the study
- FVC > 40% of predicted normal according to Global Lung Initiative (GLI) (Appendix B)
- DLCO (corrected for hemoglobin) > 25% to <80% of predicted normal (Appendix B) >
- Patient 40 Years or Older at the time of signed informed consent
- In the opinion of the Investigator, other clinically significant pulmonary abnormalities.
- Known significant PAH, defined as previous clinical or echocardiographic evidence of significant right heart failure, history of right heart catheterization showing a cardiac index >2 L/min/m, or PAH requiring combination of PAH-specific therapies or any PAH parenteral therapy.
- Emphysema > 50% on HRCT assessed by the investigator, or the extent of emphysema is greater than the extent of fibrosis according to reported results from the most recent chest HRCT.
- Acute IPF exacerbation within six weeks prior to screening and/or during the screening period (investigator-determined).
- ILD associated with other known causes.
- Lower respiratory tract infection requiring antibiotics within four weeks prior to Day 0 and/or during the screening period.
- Major surgery (major according to the investigator’s assessment) performed within six weeks prior to Day 0 or planned during the course of the trial. (Being on a transplant list is allowed).
- Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) or alanine aminotransferase (ALT) > 1.5 x ULN, Creatinine clearance < 30 mL/min calculated by Cockcroft-Gault formula
- Underlying chronic liver disease (Child Pugh A, B, or C hepatic impairment).
- Cardiovascular diseases, and of the following:
- Severe hypertension, uncontrolled despite treatment (>160/100 mmHg)
- Myocardial infarction within six months of Day 0
- Unstable cardiac angina
- Bleeding risk, any of the following:
- Known genetic predisposition to bleeding
- Patients who require:
- Fibrinolysis, full-dose therapeutic anticoagulation
- High dose antiplatelet therapy
- History of hemorrhagic central nervous system event within 12 months of Day 0
- Any of the following within three months of Day 0:
- Hemoptysis or hematuria
- Active gastro-intestinal bleeding needing hospitalization/intervention or peptic ulcer disease
- Coagulation parameters: International normalized ratio (INR) >2, prolongation of prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time by >1.5 x ULN
- History of thrombotic event within 12 months of Day 0
- Use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, B-cell depleting therapies or immunosuppressive medications, within six months of Day 0
- Use of systemic corticosteroids equivalent to prednisone > 15mg/day within two weeks of Day 0
- Simultaneous use of pirfenidone and nintedanib at screening
- Other disease that may interfere with testing procedures or in the judgment of the Investigator may interfere with trial participation or may put the patient at risk when participating in this trial.
- Any documented active or suspected malignancy or history of malignancy within five years prior to Day 0, except appropriately treated basal cell carcinoma of the skin, in situ squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, in situ carcinoma of uterine cervix or “under surveillance” prostate cancer.
- Evidence of active infection based on clinical exam or laboratory findings
- The patient has a confirmed infection with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronvirus-2 within the four weeks prior to Day 0 or during the screening period
- Women who are pregnant, nursing, or who plan to become pregnant while in the trial
- Women of childbearing potential not willing or able to use highly effective methods of birth control per ICH M3 that result in a low failure rate of less than 1% per year when used consistently for 28 days prior to and three months after IMP administration
- In the opinion of the Investigator, active alcohol or drug abuse
- Patients not able to understand or follow trial procedures including completion of self-administered questionnaires without help.
- Gender: All
- Age: 18 Years and over
- Phase: Interventional
- Participant is 18 years of age inclusive, or older at the time of signing the informed consent.
- Documented diagnosis of SSc as defined by the American College of Rheumatology classification criteria
- Diffuse cutaneous disease, defined as presence of thickened skin with mRSS >0 over at least one skin area proximal to elbows and/or knees in addition to distal areas involvement on Day 1
- Total mRSS >15 on Day 1
- Evidence of interstitial lung disease on centrally read screening HRCT
- Anticentromere antibodynegative on central test at screening
- Evidence for active or progressive disease, defined by at least one of the following criteria
- Disease duration <24 month on Day 1
- Disease duration >24 months but <5 years on Day 1 AND one of the following
- Anti-topoisomerase I antibody positive on central test at screening, OR
- Absolute decline in FVC >5% predicted as determined by a comparison of the screening lung function test and a previous lung function test done within 12 months prior to screening AND worsening respiratory symptoms, OR
- Absolute decline in DLco >10% predicted as determined by a comparison of the screening lung function test and a previous lung function test done within 12 months prior to screening AND worsening respiratory symptoms, OR
- Progressive ILD on HRCT, as assessed by the investigator comparing the screening scan and a previous scan done within 12 months prior to screening.
- Disease duration >5 but <7 years on Day 1 AND anti-topoisomerase I antibody positive on central test at screening, AND one of the following:
- Absolute decline in FVC >5% predicted as determined by a comparison of the screening lung function test and a previous lung function test done within 12 months prior to screening AND worsening respiratory symptoms, OR
- Absolute decline in DLco >10% predicted as determined by a comparison of the screening lung function test and a previous lung function test done within 12 months prior to screening AND worsening respiratory symptoms, OR
- Progressive ILD on HRCT, as assessed by the investigator comparing the screening scan and a previous scan done within 12 months prior to screening.
- Participant has an area of uninvolved or mildly thickened skin that, in the opinion of the investigator, would allow SC injection at the abdomen or the front, middle region of the thigh
- Participant is capable and willing to self-administer the study medication or has a caregiver who is capable and willing to administer the study medication throughout the study
- Female participants eligible to participate if she is not pregnant or breastfeeding, and one of the following conditions applies:
- Is a WOCBP and using a contraceptive method that is highly effective, with a failure rate of <1% during the study intervention period and for at least 4 months after the last dose of study intervention.
- If a urine test cannot be confirmed as negative, a serum pregnancy test is required
A WOCBP must have a negative highly sensitive pregnancy test within 24 hours before the first dose of study intervention
- Capable of giving signed informed consent which includes compliance with the requirements and restrictions listed in the ICF and in this protocol
- Systemic sclerosis-like illness, including but not limited to localized scleroderma, eosinophilic fasciitis, sclerodermoid graft-versus-host disease, fibro mucinous conditions, scleroderma-like conditions that are associated with environmental chemical and drug exposure
- Primary diagnosis of a rheumatic autoimmune disease other than dcSSc, including but not limited to rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, polymyositis, dermatomyositis, systemic vasculitis, Sjogren’s syndrome, antisynthetase syndrome, or mixed connective tissue disease
- FVC <45% of predicted, or a DLco <40% of predicted or requiring supplemental oxygen at screening
- Pulmonary arterial hypertension prior to first day of dosing
- SSc renal crisis within 6 months prior to the first day of dosing
- History or presence of cardiovascular, respiratory, hepatic, renal, gastrointestinal, endocrine, hematologic, or neurological disorders capable of significantly altering the absorption, metabolism, or elimination of drugs; constituting a risk when taking the study intervention or interfering with the interpretation of data
- Obstructive pulmonary disease
- Significant emphysema on screening HRCT
- Significant allergies to human or murine proteins, humanized monoclonal antibodies, or contrast agents
- Clinically significant multiple or severe drug allergies, intolerance to topical corticosteroids, or severe post-treatment hypersensitivity reactions
- Lymphoma, leukemia, or any malignancy within the past 5 years except for basal cell or squamous epithelial carcinomas of the skin that have been resected with no evidence of metastatic disease for 3 years
- Breast cancer within the past 10 years
- ALT>2 x ULN
- Total bilirubin >1.5 x ULN
- Cirrhosis or current unstable liver or biliary disease per investigator assessment defined by the presence of ascites, encephalopathy, coagulopathy, hypoalbuminemia, esophageal or gastric varices, or persistent jaundice
- QTc >450 msec or QTc >480 msec in participants with bundle branch block
- Major surgery within 3 month prior to screening or planned during the duration of the study
- An active infection, or a history of infections as follows:
- History of opportunistic infections that have not resolved by 6 month prior to the first day of dosing or recurrent infection as determined by the investigator
- A serious infection requiring treatment with IV antibiotics and/or hospitalization, if the last dose of antibiotics or the hospital discharge date was within 60 days of the first day of dosing
- An acute or chronic infection requiring treatment with oral antibiotics or antiviral medications, if the last doe was received within 30 days of the first day of dosing. Prophylactic anti-infective treatment is allowed
- Any active or unresolved bacterial, viral or fungal infection present on the first day of dosing, whether requiring treatment or not. This does not include fungal nail infections
- Active or past osteomyelitis, unless fully resolved in the opinion of the investigator
- Symptomatic herpes zoster within 3 month prior to screening
- Evidence of active or latent TB as documented by medical history and examination, chest X-rays, and TB testing: either a positive TST or a positive TB test such as QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus test
- Confirmed PML or unexplained new-onset or deteriorating neurologic signs and symptoms
- Have evidence of serious current suicide risk, defined as PHQ-9 score >10, or any history of suicidal behavior in the last 6 months and/or any suicidal ideation in the last 2 months or who in the investigator’s judgment, poses a significant suicide risk
- Previous or planned major organ transplant or bone marrow transplant
- Treatment with biologic agents, such as intravenous immunoglobulin or monoclonal antibodies, including marketed drugs, within 3 month or 5 half-lives (whichever is longer) prior to dosing
- Treatment with rituximab within 6 months prior to Day 1
- Treatment with non-biologic systemic immunosuppressive medication, other than mycophenolate, methotrexate or azathioprine within 3 months prior to Day 1
- Treatment with cyclophosphamide within 6 months prior to Day 1
- Use of anti-fibrotic agents including colchicine, D-penicillamine, pirfenidone or tyrosine kinase inhibitors within 4 weeks prior to Day 1
- Cytotoxic drugs such as, chlorambucil, nitrogen mustard, or other alkylating agents within 6 months of Day 1
- Treatment with IM or IV corticosteroids within 1 month prior to Day 1
Study Phases
Clinical trials have four phases, or steps, in the clinical research process. You may notice when you see a name of a clinical trial that it includes Phase I, II, III, or IV, or it may be written as Phase 1, 2, 3, or 4. Here’s what those phases mean:

Phase 1
Researchers test a drug or treatment in a small group of people (20-100) for the first time. The purpose is to study the drug or treatment to learn about safety and identify side effects.

Phase 2
The new drug or treatment is given to a larger group of people (100-300) to determine its effectiveness and to further study its safety.

Phase 3
The new drug or treatment is given to large groups of people (1,000-3,000) to confirm its effectiveness, monitor side effects, compare it with standard or similar treatments, and collect information that will allow the new drug or treatment to be used safely.

Phase 4
After a drug is approved by the FDA and made available to the public, researchers track its safety in the general population, seeking more information about a drug or treatment's benefits, and optimal use.
What Can I Expect?
Here’s what happens before and after you enroll in a clinical study or clinical trial.

For trials enrolling patients with a particular medical condition, some pre-screening may happen behind-the-scenes before we meet with you. For studies enrolling healthy volunteers, staff members explain the trial in detail and gather more information about you during the pre screening process.

Informed Consent
Informed consent is an essential part of participating in a clinical study. It is the process of learning the key facts about a clinical study before deciding whether to participate. Once you have had all your questions answered, and if you agree to participate, you may be asked to sign an informed consent form. Participants should take the time to review the informed consent document carefully and decide if they feel comfortable with participating in the study.
You will get a copy of the document, which you can keep to refer back to in the future. Also, note that informed consent is a continuous process that does not end with a signed document. You should always feel free to ask questions about your participation in a study at any time during or after your participation ends. The researchers will also provide you any new information during the study if it could affect your willingness to participate.

Screening Visit
Once you have consented to participate in a study, you may be asked to undergo other procedures and tests, such as filling out questionnaires or having blood work, to confirm that you qualify for the study. You may be asked to make a special visit for screening.

Enrollment and Participation
Once you have enrolled, the study team will review the study procedures with you and schedule tests and other appointments. You will follow the trial procedures and report any issues or concerns to the study team. Remember, participating in a clinical study is totally voluntary and you can decide to stop at any time. Study participants continue to see their regular physician for usual health care throughout the study.

End of Study
Your participation in the study is complete. Researchers may provide participants with information about how they may find results once the study data is analyzed.
How to Sign up...
- Mention the study you are interested in to Dr.Kable for an evaluation
- Please contact MO at 903-465-5012 Ext:110 for further information regarding taking part in our research department.